The Accidental Leader: What to do When You're Suddenly in Charge, by Harvey Robbins and Michael Finley. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
A comprehensive, brief 'how-to' guide, containing dos and don'ts for new managers. This is a straightforward, to-the-point reference. The chapters are grouped into: managing yourself; managing the technical side; and managing people. Ideal for anyone new to managing or seeking a fast refresher on key points to keep in mind. 188 pp. 2003.
Accountability: Freedom and Responsibility Without Control, by Rob Lebow and Randy Spitzer. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
In the spirit of Theory Y, the authors argue for giving people freedom, assuming each takes responsibility for his or her own actions. The book details how this approach yields creative innovations and organizational improvements, impossible under control-based organizations. Part one explores the control versus freedom dilemma; part two examines the transformation of an organization from a control- to a freedom-based environment. A primary focus is freedom-based leadership, but the book explores a wide range of key organizational elements. The message, conveyed through a dialog, is driven home through facts and a hard-hitting, convincing argument. Strongly recommended. 258 pp. 2002.
The Allure of Toxic Leaders, by Jean Lipman-Blumen. Oxford University Press, Inc.
Toxic leaders leave their followers worse off than they found them. A few of the many other ways toxic leaders act are they: violate basic standards of human rights; feed followers illusions; stifle criticism; maliciously set constituents against one another. The book shows how these leaders win people over by playing on their fears and self-esteem, only to ultimately use their power against their own followers. The book explores, in depth, how people are drawn into accepting, even embracing toxic leaders, and how these leaders retain power. This is an enlightening probe into the psyche of people and how their culture, situation, deepest fears, and dysfunctional personalities, make them vulnerable to toxic leaders. The book also explores ways of dealing with these leaders: counsel them to change; undermine them; join with others to confront or overthrow them. The book closes with a chapter on how to be freed of toxic leaders, by facing up to our anxiety and the accompanying pain, as well as by bringing nontoxic leaders to the fore. The author's insights apply to leaders of all kinds, political and business. This brief review does no justice to the breadth and depth of this work.To read this book is to help become aware of, and armed against, toxic leaders of all types. Required reading for all who yearn and strive to live free of domineering, destructive leaders. Our highest recommendation. 300 pp. 2005.
Alpha Leadership: Tools for Business Leaders Who Want More Out of Life, by Anne Deering, Robert Dilts and Julian Russell. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Presents a new model of leadership consisting of three components and nine principles. In summary, these are: anticipate (detecting weak signals, developing mental agility, and freeing up resources); align (leading through embodiment, task through relationship, and creating cultures that can act); and act (80:20 leadership; ready-fire-aim; and dogged pursuit...and knowing when to stop). The authors explore these elements in detail. Each chapter starts with a parable which highlights some issues or problems facing leadership followed by discussion and illustrations relating to real-life examples. Chapters end with tools to help develop and employ the ideas and concepts of the chapter. The material flows very well and the writing is clear. The basic model is insightful. 226 pp. 2002.
Back to the Drawing Board: Designing Corporate Boards for a Complex World, by Colin B. Carter and Jay W. Lorsch. Harvard Business School Press.
Based on a survey of 132 CEOs of major corporations around the world, the book examines the design, role and dynamics of boards, focusing on best or recommended practices. Topics range from board membership, size, and role, to the realities that make, or impede boards from being effective. It raises many issues and key points, such as: the types of roles a board can play; the role of the lead director; why best practices do not work as well as they might; selecting the appropriate directs; director continuing education; the affect of share ownership on director independence; eleven examples of board misbehavior; and the importance of board norms (culture). This book is very rich in thoughtful observations, insights and conclusions. 242 pp. 2004.
Bad Leadership: What Is It, How It Happens, Why It Matters, by Barbara Kellerman. Harvard Business School Press.
This book explores the dark side of leadership. The author identifies seven types. Very briefly, these are: 1. Incompetent: lacks the will or skill (or both) to sustain effective action with regard to at least one important leadership challenge; 2. Rigid: stiff and unyieldingÑunable or unwilling to adapt to new ideas, new information, or changing times; 3. Intemperate: lacks self-control; 4. Callous: uncaring or unkind--ignores or discounts the needs, wants, and wishes of others, especially subordinates; 5. Corrupt: lies, cheats, or stealsÑput self-interest ahead of the public interest; 6. Insular: minimizes or disregards the health and welfare of "the other"--those outside the group or organization for which they are directly responsible; and 7. Evil: commits atrocities. The authors explores each of these types in considerable depth. The author places bad leadership along two axes, ineffective and unethical, to clarify the word "bad." Kellerman argues that effective and unethical can be joined. A final chapter takes on the challenge of how bad leadership can be stopped, or at least slowed. Kellerman suggests 12 ways of how leaders can strengthen their capacity to be both effective and ethical, and 8 ways they can work optimally with followers. She also puts forth 11 ways that followers can resist bad leaders and optimally work with each other and their leaders. This last section is brief but packs a lot of positive value. Great book. 282 pp. 2005.
The Blind Men and the Elephant: Mastering Project Work; How to Transform Fuzzy Responsibilities into Meaningful Results, by David A. Schmaltz, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
This book is built of parables about project management and participation. It reveals that project work requires that everyone working on the assignment learn to view it from the perspective other's: to see it as a whole or coherently. Provides guidelines to increase a projects' coherence and overcome common difficulties. The author's personal experiences provide excellent food for thought and insights. 143 pp. 2002.
The Courageous Follower: Standing Up to and For Our Leaders, by Ira Chaleff. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
A discussion of the leader-follower relationship, providing a model of followership that balances and supports leadership. Key sections discuss the follower's courage to: assume responsibility, serve, challenge, participate in transformation, and to leave or stay. Bibliography. This is a unique topic, thoughtfully discussed in depth. 237 pp. 2003.
Creating Leaderful Organizations: How to Bring Out Leadership in Everyone, by Joseph A. Raelin. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Introduces a mutual approach to leadership in which the dynamics of leadership is shared among the members of a team so that leadership becomes inclusive rather than exclusively individual. In this mode, leadership can reach a point of complete mutuality through a developmental process. The challenge, development and benefits of this new paradigm of leadership are discussed, and the author examines four traditions of leaderful practice. The book sheds light on a wealth of insights about leadership. 290 pp. 2003.
Decent Company, Decent People: How to Lead with Character at Work and in Life, by Robert Turknett and Carolyn Turknett. Davies-Black Publishing.
The Turknetts presents a "Leadership Character Model," the foundation of which is integrity: a balance of responsibility (empathy, emotional mastery, lack of blame, humility) and respect (accountability, courage, self-confidence, focus on the whole). These eight qualities are explored in depth. The authors show how people and organizations (which are not separable) can develop these qualities. The Model is intended to help people learn how to lead by understanding these qualities of leadership. Each chapter ends with four key concepts. This is an accessible, thoughtful book, reinforced with many interesting and informative real-life examples. 223 pp. 2005.
The Deep Blue Sea: Rethinking the Source of Leadership, by Wilfred Drath. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The author contrasts personal leadership, which focuses on style, character and skill of the person (surface of the sea) with relational leadership which delves into the community--people working together to draw on shared resources--which he likens to the sea's depths. Drath presents this idea of leadership by interweaving the narrative of a fictional company's journey toward relational leadership with a clear discussion of leadership basics. He shows how to evolve communal capacity, he examines why leadership exits within a community when group members share responsibility (shared leadership) and self-organizing results to face challenges, and reveals why personal dominance (leadership happens when leaders act), interpersonal influence (through influence, leadership emerges from reasoning and negotiating), and relational dialogue (people sharing work create leadership by constructing the meaning of direction, commitment and adaptive challenge) are the keys to rethinking leadership. Intriguing ideas. Recommended. 185 pp. 2001.
Dynamic Leader Adaptive Organization: Ten Essential Traits for Managers, by Larraine Segil. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Based on the author's research, each chapter is devoted to an essential trait. The traits are: fearlessness; completion; commitment; inspiration (inspires and communicates vision); assuredness (knows what he or she wants); penetration ("of the people," builds personal equity, listens with respect, empowers with dignity, good mediator); intelligence (ability to staff roles with the right people); energy (opportunistic optimism, urgency); integrity (trust and credibility); and perception (getting into the customer's head). These traits (and sub-traits) are discussed in terms of business leaders and their organizations. Includes a short self-assessment instrument and details on research findings. The discussion of leaders' actions and styles is of considerable value. An excellent guide to effective leadership qualities. 304 pp. 2002.
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute, by Ken Blanchard, John P. Carlos and W. Alan Randolph. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
The authors use a story format to explain the nature and process of achieving empowerment. The focus is on sharing information with everyone, creating autonomy through boundaries, and replacing the old hierarchy with self-directed teams. Clear and concise. 126 pp. 2001.
Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done, by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan. Crown Business, Random House.
The central message of this book is that the real job of leaders is the consistent practice of the discipline of execution; understanding how to link together people, strategy and operations, the three core processes of every business. Execution is viewed as a specific set of behaviors and techniques and is a discipline of its own. Three building blocks underlie these core processes. First is seven essential behaviors of leadership: know your people and your business; insist on realism; set clear goals and priorities; follow through; reward the doers; expand people's capabilities; and know yourself. The second is the cultural change the creates and reinforces the discipline of execution, which centers on changing people's behavior so they produce results. Building block three is getting the right people in the right jobs. These three blocks provide the foundation for successful execution. An essential book for all leaders. 280 pp. 2002.
eXtreme Project Management: Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility, by Doug DeCarlo. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
Extreme projects are characterized by two or more of the following: high stakes; tight deadlines; innovation is primary; success measured only in bottom-line results; bureaucracy not tolerated; and quality of life is important. The book presents a holistic framework based on: four "accelerators" (principles for unleashing motivation); ten shared values for building trust and confidence; four business questions that ensure customers receive value early and often; and five success factors. The four parts of the book focus on: the new realities of today and the mindset these demand; critical leadership skills; the flexible project model for extreme projects; and practical guidance on managing the project environment. The last 30 pages present a collection of self-mastery, interpersonal, facilitation, and project management tools and techniques. A solid resource with a lot of good substance. 515 pp. 2004.
First Among Equals: How to Manage a Group of Professionals, by Patrick McKenna and David H.Maister. The Free Press.
The book is about practice, not theory. Part one is about clarifying and understanding the role of leading professionals. Part two concerns activities for coaching, leading, inspiring and guiding team members. Part three focuses on team management. The concluding section addresses issues of building for the future: managing juniors, dealing with the problem of size, and monitoring your group's success. The book is loaded with lessons, lists and very specific how-to guidelines. Ideal for anyone who manages professional employees. Recommended. 2002.
Focus on Leadership: Servant-Leadership for the 21st Century; How Robert K. Greenleaf's Theory of Servant-Leadership Influenced Today's Top Management Thinkers, by Larry C. Spears and Michele Lawrence. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A collection of 25 essays on servant-leadership that emphasizes: serving others, a holistic approach to work, a sense of community, and shared decision-making power. Key elements of the approach are: listening intently, empathy, healing, awareness, use of persuasion, a balance between short- and long-term perspective, foresight, stewardship, commitment to growth of people, and building community. Includes Greenleaf's original essay on introducing the theory. Provides a wealth of insights. Recommended. 396 pp. 2002.
The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders, by Michael Watkins, Harvard Business School Press.
Watkins' focus is on the transition to a leadership role. His research leads him to five basic propositions, the last of which is that adopting a framework for accelerating transitions pays off for organizations; chapter five presents such a set of shared guidelines. The book's key theme is to match your strategy, as leader, with the situation. The book presents ten key transition challenges: promote yourself; accelerate your learning; match strategy to situation; secure early wins; negotiate success; achieve alignment; build your team; create coalitions; keep your balance; and expedite everyone (quickly help get new direct reports up to speed and help them accelerate their transition). The book is for new leaders at all levels. The book is an excellent contribution to creating successful leadership as well as effective organization. Clear, crisp writing and organization helps make this work easy to apply as a guide. Highly recommended. 208 pp. 2003.
From the Ballfield to the Boardroom: Management Lessons from Sports, by Brian Goff. Praeger Publishers.
Goff's book is both a sports and management book. It is filled with examples drawn from sporting events and related episodes. Sports interested in the behind-the-scenes decision making and leadership issues should thoroughly enjoy this volume. But those seeking new insights into management will find the book a refreshing approach that centers around issues faced by managers regardless of setting. For those interested in both management and sports should love this book. The backbone of the book are principles of management developed over the last few decades. The author does not try to develop a template for management based on case studies, although they are used to highlight key facts about management and stimulate discussion. After presenting key building block ideas (such as recognition of hidden costs and trade-offs, coordinating decisions, learning and adapting), the chapters of the book go on to explore such topics as: key matters about markets and management; people management skills; the effective use of information; tools of strategic and tactical decision making; and the role of innovation and adaptation. The last two chapters consider how managers add value to an organization, draws a distinction between effective management and over-managing, and managing and leading. A marvelous book that casts a bright light on many complex and subtle issues. With this book, Goff has hit a home run! 255, pp. 2005.
The Global Challenge: Frameworks for International Human Resource Management, by Gary Dessler. Pearson Education Ltd., Prentice Hall.
The major topics covered are: the environment of managing (including global and cultural and ethical environments); planning (decision making, setting objectives, strategic management); organizing (basic of organization, designing organizations to manage change, staffing); leading (being a leader, motivating employees, communication, leading teams, managing change); and controlling (controlling and building commitment, operations control tools and information technology). Filled with case studies, examples, diagrams, tables, and chapter summaries emphasizing the relationships with materials in other chapters. Provides illustrations of how managers use the Internet to manage. A chapter is devoted to managing globally, but related discussion and examples are included in all chapters. Includes glossary. Up-to-date content, streamlined organization, lucid writing make this an outstanding work. Web links for all the companies illustrate how managers are using the Internet. Very strongly recommended. 446 pp. 2001.
The Heart of a Leader: Insights on the Art of Influence, by Ken Blanchard. Honor Books.
A collection of 76 brief, one page thoughts that serve as guidelines for strengthening managerial performance. Each idea is captured in an aphorism; on the facing page the author elaborates on the idea. A few of these ideas are: The key to developing people is to catch them doing something right; When you stop learning you stop growing; Never! never! never! never! give up! (Winston Churchill); Your game is only as good as your practice; Ducks quack. Eagles soar. 157 pp.
The High-Performance Board: Principles of Nonprofit Organizational Governance, by Dennis D. Pointer and James E. Orlikoff. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Based on experience, the authors provide 64 explicit principles to guide board governance, functioning, structure, composition, and infrastructure. The book serves as an excellent diagnostic tool (with self-scoring method) for assessing a board and guiding board change and development. It also provides illustrative board policies, chairperson position description, governance principles, and sample committee charter. Outstanding. 186 pp. 2003.
How and Why Effective Managers Balance Their Skills, by Clark L. Wilson. Rockatech Multimedia Publishing.
The book's key theme is that, to be effective, a manager must focus on and balance three sets of measurable skills: technical, teambuilding, and drive. Wilson reports on survey data (on management practices, executives, sales managers, women managers, and others.) that underscores the main points of the book. He provides clear guidelines and self-assessment check lists to strengthen and evaluate one's performance as a manager and leader. The book elaborates on the details of management skills and practices and offers an excellent resource for management development and self-development. 111 pp. 2003.
How to Run a Company: Lessons From Top Leaders of the CEO Academy, by Dennis Carey and Marie-Caroline Von Weichs, eds., Crown Business, Random House.
This book provides executives with advice on how to lead and manage a company from contributions by a broad range of seasoned CEOs and chairmen. Some of the 21 key subjects covered are: dealing with market realities; strategic shifts at a turnaround company; clarifying strategy through mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures; assessing a company as an outsider coming in; relationship between the CEO and the board; the board as consultant; keeping management in check; how a CEO measures success; streamlining the over-managed company; leading by communicating. A great collection of insights by those who have been or are in the top leadership role. 304 pp. 2003.
Influence Without Authority, by Allan R. Cohen and David L. Bradford. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This book is important because it's message (to succeed you must learn to influence others) is right on target. The authors assert that nobody 'ever had enough authority [to get their work done].' But it is possible to have enough influence to make things happen and this book's purpose is to tell you how. This book shows that the key to influence is reciprocity. An influence model provides the schematic around which the book is developed. Chapters cover influencing your boss, difficult subordinates, others across functional lines, and colleagues. Other topics include: indirect influence, initiating or leading major change, organizational politics, and escalating to tougher strategies when needed. The book is packed with solid content, offering insights about a subject critical to personal and organizational success. 317 pp. 2005.
It's Not What You Say...It's What You Do: How Following Through at Every Level Can Make or Break Your Company, by Laurence Haughton. Bantam Books, Division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Lack of follow-through is a leading cause of company failure. This book tells the stories of a unique group of managers who have mastered the art of making things happen: execution.Their stories and the lessons they've learned are presented around four building blocks which are the components crucial to following through: 1) having a clear direction, 2) matching the right people to every goal, 3) getting started with lots of 'buy-in,' and 4) and ensuring everyone maintains momentum by increasing individual initiative. How these four keys to follow-through are achieved forms the substance of this work. In the book you'll learn how to overcome a variety of obstacles to getting things done. The author spotlights what works and what doesn't in real-world situations. A solid, practical book providing down-to-earth guidance for managers. 244 pp. 2005.
The Leader's Edge: Six Creative Competencies for Navigating Complex Challenges, by Charles J. Palus and David M. Horth. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
The authors discuss six Complex Challenge Competencies. These are: paying attention (using many modes of perception to fathom complex situations); personalizing (tapping into life experiences to gain insight and energy); imaging (using graphic representations to understand complex information, develop ideas, communicate); serious play (generating knowledge through a variety a playful method); co- or collaborative inquiry (engaging in dialogue within and between language, culture, function, and professional spheres; and crafting (synthesizing issues, events, and actions into meaningful wholes: holistic thinking). Leadership demands a blend of these six competencies with traditional management approaches (measurement, control) for success. An informative and insightful book, worthy of careful reading. 277 pp. 2002.
Leadership: Theory and Practice, by Peter G. Northouse. Sage Publications, Inc.
Discusses a variety of theoretical approaches to leadership and their applications, such as: trait, situation, path-goal, contingency, transformation, and psychodynamics. Also presents excellent sections on women and leadership, and popular approaches to leadership. Includes chapters on ethics in leadership. Covers the skills approach, including a skills model, and opines that leadership can be learned. Highly informative. Includes instruments (questionnaires, cases and key questions. An outstanding resource, rich with sold content. 340 pp.
Leadership Development in Balance: MADE/Born, by Bruce Avolio. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
At the outset, Avolio asserts that leadership is both made and born; a person's beliefs about leadership can, however, become self-fulfilling and self-limiting. Learning and leading must go hand in hand for a person to achieve his/her full leadership potential. Thankfully, this author believes that the development of authentic leadership is more profound than a listing of do's and don'ts; he is true to his ambition. In each chapter Avolio discusses one main concept that makes up an overall model of leadership development, with the aim of conveying a new model for the reader. The context of the model is each person's life stream-events that shapes her/his views and is used by him/her to lead others. The key elements are: 1) self-perception, 2) perspective of others, 3) use of feedback to adjust behavior, 4) mistakes and trust, and 5) the merging of leadership and technology. Avolio then looks at the state-of-art of leadership development today and examines strategic leadership development, and presents a model that predicts performance and can be used for development. The final chapter provides supporting research for each preceding chapter. The hallmark of this book is its in-depth treatment of the subject. Leadership Development in Balance is loaded with rich content. This is a masterful work on a complex subject. 293 pp. 2005.
The Leadership Challenge, Third Edition, by James M. Kouzes.and Barry Z. Posner. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers (Simon & Schuster).
Based on a study of 500 successful executives and additional research, the authors have identified and discuss, in detail, basic practices and specific behaviors that can be learned by managers at all levels to improve effectiveness. Chapters include: five practices of exemplary leadership; credibility is the foundation of leadership; find your voice; set the example; envision the future; enlist others; search for opportunities; experiment and take risks; foster collaboration; recognize contributions; celebrate the values and victories. References are made to cases and views of leaders throughout the book. Offers a wealth of insights. On of the truly outstanding books on leadership. 460 pp. 2002.
Leadership Development: Paths to Self-Insight and Professional Growth, by Manuel London, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
The author explores the dimensions of effective leadership, psychological processes underlying leadership behavior, and leadership development. Some specific topics include: self-insight; self-regulation; self-identity; the leadership development process; feedback process; 360-degree feedback; coaching process; development programs; career barriers; becoming a continuous learner; and becoming a principled, diplomatic leader. This is a highly in-depth treatment of the subject filled with high-quality content. 293 pp. 2002.
Leadership, Management, and Innovation in R&D Project Teams, by Leon Mann. Praeger Publishers.
Based on long-term, in-depth research, this book offers a collection of fourteen outstanding research-based papers. These are: R&D TeamsÑThe Quest for Innovation; The ARC Study: Design and Method for Studying R&D Teams and Their Leaders; R&D Project Leaders: Roles and Responsibilities; Transformational Leaders of Project Teams; How Trustworthy is Your Leader? Implications for Leadership, Team Climate, and Outcomes in R&D Teams; Leaders Who Learn; The Impact of Team Climate on Innovation in R&D Teams; Communicating Effectively: Five Factors That Promote Project Team Performance; The Effects of Team Size, Tenure, and Turnover on Communication Safety and Team Performance; Organizational Supports for Innovative R&D; Managing in Tough Times; The R&D Customer; Terrific Teams and Troubled Teams; Organizations, Managers, Customers, Leaders, and Teams. Throughout the volume there are numerous statistical tables showing key research findings. This is a highly informative collection of well-written contributions. 349 pp. 2005.
Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate, and Inspire , by Belle Linda Halpern and Kathy Lubar. Gotham-Penguin Books USA Inc.
This book is energizing! It presents techniques that have been used by actors but are new to many executives, including: being present (in the moment and able to handle the unexpected); building relationships through empathy, listening, and authentic connection; expressing emotion using all means-words, voice, body, and face; self-knowing (the ability to accept oneself, be authentic, and reflect one's values in decisions and actions). Great leaders excite and galvanize their listeners around their vision, inspiring and motivating them. 275 pp. 2003.
The Leadership Spectrum: Six Business Priorities That Get Results, by Mary Burner Lippitt. Davies-Black Publishing.
Lippitt presents a highly pragmatic approach to achieving effective leadership, with numerous examples in great insights. Leaders, she writes, need an explicit framework to broaden their mind-set, encourage examination of options, and produce results. The results-driven Leadership Spectrum accomplishes these aims by focusing on: developing new ideas, products and services; building infrastructure and creating systems for sustaining high performance; designing high-quality, efficient processes; developing a committed, competent workforce and supporting a work/identity; revealing assumptions, practices, and issues and identifying strategic options. The book explores how these priorities are linked to six stages of an organization's life cycle, and can be effectively balanced in relationship to real-world situations. A unique and enormously appealing approach to the challenges of organizational leadership. 201 pp. 2002.
Leadership That Matters: The Critical Factors for Making a Difference in People's Lives and Organizations' Success, by Marshall Sashkin and Molly G. Sashkin, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Delves deeply into transformational leadership-leadership that not only strengthens the productivity and effectiveness of an organization, but also has a beneficial impact on the personal lives of its members. The book is based on loads of research and provides a plethora of insights. 241 pp. 2003.
Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness, A Philosophy for Leaders, by Peter Koestenbaum. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
The author provides a perspective on the nature and style of exceptional leadership, forming The Leadership Diamond Model consisting of: developing vision, keeping in touch with reality, fostering ethics, and marshaling courage. Includes sections on building individual and organizational skills and tips on achieving and sustaining inner greatness. A very thoughtful work. Recommended. 371 pp. 2002.
Leadership When the Heat's On, by Danny Cox and John Hoover. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
This book on leadership skills is especially keyed to the challenges of recession, but applies to all economic times. After a thorough discussion about the nature of leadership, the authors devote a chapter to each of seven steps to becoming a leader. In sequence, these steps concern: team building; goal setting; planning and time management; keeping morale high; creativity; problem solving; and leading change. The content of this book is very comprehensive and presented in a highly accessible manner. The style is straightforward, punctuated with stories and examples. A terrific resource for all who aspires to being a leader or seek to further hone their skills. Highly recommended. 237 pp. 2002.
Leading and Managing People in the Dynamic Organization, by Randall S. Peterson and Elizabeth A. Mannix. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Recognizing that most work on the subject of organizational agility focuses on strategy or organizational design, this volume's contributors show how people are a key factor in achieving dynamic organizations. The essays cover such topics as: staffing (rethinking selection and motivation in the context of continuous change); coaching the virtual team; transitive memory in dynamic organizations; the significance of leadership, learning, ambiguity and uncertainty to dynamic organizations; real options reasoning: strategic insights from the biological analogy; and organization design: a network view. Each essay has extensive references. In these pages are many extremely good insights. 280 pp. 2003.
Leading Quietly: An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the Right Thing, by Joseph Badaracco. Harvard Business School Press.
Badaracco discloses a type of leader who does the right thing and gets things done working behind the scenes, without charisma, vision, and other high-profile approaches typically associated with effective leadership. The book chronicles real-life situations to illustrate specific guidelines that such quiet leaders often follow. This book spotlights a style of 'making things happen' that has gone unnoticed and unappreciated while flamboyant styles have been praised and glamorized. It's time to balance the attention given to charismatic leadership with quietly being effectiveÑboth styles have their place in the leadership spectrum. We strongly recommend this book. 200 pp. 2002.
Lead to Succeed: Creating Entrepreneurial Organizations, by Colin Turner. Texere.
One of a trilogy of books, aiming to provide a practical and inspirational road-map to harness the reader's potential in career advancement and everyday life. This book shows how to develop the ideas and philosophy captured in the first two volumes, "Born to Succeed" and "Paths to Success," and apply them through developing and nurturing the attributes of entrepreneurial leadership and organization. Recommended. 250 pp. 2002.
Mediation For Managers: Resolving Conflict and Rebuilding Relationships at Work, by John Crawley and Katherine Graham. Nicholas Brealey Publishing (London).
Part I uses a mixture of conflict resolution and mediation theory, short case studies, and checklists to outline the mediation approach and give example of situations in which mediation skills might be useful. Part II is a do-itself-yourself guide to mediating geared for managers, mapping out the structure of the mediation process using case studies and real-life examples. The last part of the book uses snapshots of such difficult situations as maintaining dialogue under pressure, investigating sensitive situations, and managing oppressive or discriminatory behavior. Includes sample forms. An excellent, informative book, filled with highly detailed guidelines. Highly recommended. 226 pp. 2002.
Nothing to Fear: Lessons in Leadership from FDR, by Alan Axelrod, Portfolio-Penguin Group.
An informative collection of leadership lessons, arranged according to fourteen themes, drawn from the public words of the outstanding role model. Filled with good guidance about leadership. 273 pp. 2003.
On Becoming A Leader, by Warren Bennis. Perseus Books.
This is an expanded and updated edition of a classic contribution in the field of leadership. Bennis elaborates on the qualities of leadership and adds four essential competencies with a special focus on adaptive capacity and authenticity. This book is built around a study of selected leaders in an array of fields. Bennis' core concern is how people learn, how they learn to lead, and how organizations help or hinder the process. 218 pp. 2003.
On Creativity, Innovation and Renewal: A Leader to Leader Guide, by Frances Hesselbein and Rob Johnston, Eds.
An informative collection of brief, outstanding articles by leading thinkers explores how leaders can keep an organization changing with a focus on creating the future. It explores the roles of leaders in establishing an environment that appreciates creativity and diversity, creating passion and a sense of urgency. Articles also address the need to focus on the customer and simultaneous build community within the organization and strengthen bonds with the regional community. Recommended. 156 pp. (This is one of a four-volume series.) 2002.
On Leading Change: A Leader to Leader Guide, by Frances Hesselbein and Rob Johnston, Eds. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
An informative collection of brief, outstanding articles by leading thinkers explores the challenges of leading organizational transformation. Examines the approaches leaders take to achieve change in organizational structure and culture. Recommended. 152 pp. (This is one of a four-volume series.) 2002.
On Mission and Leadership: A Leader to Leader Guide, by Frances Hesselbein and Rob Johnston, Eds. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
An informative collection of brief, outstanding articles by leading thinkers examines the role that mission plays in defining and supporting leadership. Articles explore how leaders demonstrate the values and character that are central to organizational success. Recommended. 140 pp. (This is one of a four-volume series.) 2002.
Patterns of Management Power, by Russell W. McCalley. Quorum Books (Greenwod Publishing Group).
Identifies six patterns of power: position power; power of providers; power of participation; presumed power; policy power; and power of persuasion. Argues that management must use all of them creatively and ethically. Discusses the sources, patterns of development, and use of all types. Examines the impact of each type of power, authority, influence, and leadership, and how they impact the ability to manage. 192 pp. 2002.
Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind--How the World's Foremost Management Thinker Crafted the Essentials of Business Success, by John E. Flaherty. Jossey-Bass.
Flaherty shows how Drucker's early political thinking shaped his managerial perspective, and how the rise of the modern management is routed in DruckerÕs shaping of the managerial mind. The chapters are organized into three sections: 1) discovering modern management, 2) strategy and entrepreneurship, and 3) executive effectiveness. Chapter themes include: the future of industrial man; the concept of the corporation; managing change; the entrepreneurial process; strategies for the transitional business; managing in the knowledge society; leadership and the job of the executive; and the decision-making process. This book provides a unique distillation of Drucker's thinking (highlighted in bulleted statements as well as discussion). It is highly valuable to anyone interested in management and organization. Strongly recommended. 445 pp. 2002.
The Philosophic Consultant: Revolutionizing Organizations With Ideas, by Peter Koestenbaum, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Written for both consultants and leaders, the book centers around four types of consulting and leadership roles: ethics (service), reality (facts), vision (the big picture) and courage (initiative). The key business application of this four-part model is leadership in moving organizations from lower order needs to higher order values, akin to Maslow's need hierarchy. The book employs philosophical values and connects these with business situations. Activities and tools are provided to help the reader apply this philosophic approach to leadership. This is a challenging, stimulating book providing new ideas and perspectives. 440 pp. 2003.
The Poker MBA: Winning in Business No Matter What Cards You're Dealt, by Greg Dinkin and Jeffrey Gitomer. Crown Publishers, Random House.
Examines how the principles of poker and business (decision-making, negotiating) operate on the same core principles. Like great poker players, great business people are skilled at reading others, bluffing, seeing things from a different perspective, balancing risk and reward, and recovering from adversity. The author's present a poker situation and show how lessons apply to business. Numerous examples feature leaders in business and investing. Explains such concepts as expected value, regression to the mean, arbitrage, discounted cash flows, core competency, differential advantage, residual income, and multivariable thinking. Each principle is highlighted in a one or two sentence summary. An extremely engaging, thought-provoking, and enjoyable book that brings its ideas to life through the game of poker. A truly powerful learning experience to read. 265 pp. 2002.
The Power of Management Capital: Utilizing the New Drivers of Innovation, Profitability, and Growth in a Demanding Global Economy, by Armand V. Feigenbaum and Donald S. Feigenbaum, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
This book explores the powers of leadership and management. It shows these are a seminal force in creating initiatives for business success. The root of success is management capital defined as the overarching theme for capitalizing the management power for optimizing the capacity and effectiveness of total resources. The authors show how recent innovation in business management and leadership has become a driving economic force creating growth and profit. A few of many key topics are: the major shift in business investment and management of assets; leadership for achieving fundamental change; recognition of management capital tools and measurements for strong business results. The discussion also includes the quality of management excellence process. With creative insight, the book frames management and leadership in a new, dynamic perspective. 214 pp. 2003.
Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman.Richard Boyatzis.and Annie Mckee. Harvard Business School Press.
This book provides important and stimulating insights into the art of leadership. It presents a concept of resonant leadership (resonating energy and enthusiasm) based on intellect and emotion. Leaders play a primordial emotional role as the group's emotional guide. Resonance can be positive or negative, having impact throughout the organization. Resonant leaders use EI competencies (e.g., empathy and self-awareness, which are learned, not innate) to bring out the best in everyone, and employ up to six leadership styles (see summary on page 55), flexibly drawing upon them in response to the situation. The book examines EI at the individual, team and organizational levels. The authors explore the idea of emotional reality in the context of teams and organizations. They show change begins with grasping the reality of how they function, but is motivated by an ideal vision. Don't miss the brief profile of EI leadership competencies and the new four dimensions of EI. For anyone seeking insights into the nature and dynamics of leadership, this book is a winner! 306 pp. 2002.
Profiles in Leadership: The Distinctive Lives of the Men and Women Who Shaped History, by Alan Axelrod. Prentice Hall Press.
This is a monumental and absorbing collection of 200 brief profiles of the lives of great leaders, highlighting their achievements. More than just a collection, the author classified each in terms of three or more key categories, such as innovator and strategist, listing them accordingly in a special index. Each entry is broken down into: name, birth and death dates; leadership categories; achievements; life, with emphasis on career; and a bullet list of leadership lessons. The leaders come from all areas (politics, military, religion) and range across history from Hammirabi to Colin Powell. This book is a gem for those interested in leadership and who enjoy gaining insights from the lives of great leaders. 595 pp. 2003.
Project Management A - Z: A Compendium of Project Management Techniques and How to Use Them, by Alan Wren. Ashgate Publishing Company (Gower).
Wren begins this book with a glossary to cut through jargon, and follows with an amazingly complete manual that shows how to optimize project management techniques and ideas. The main subjects are: pre-project staging (e.g., making the business case, risk management); planning, starting; doing and closing a project; and project organization and finance. This work is accessible, well designed, and complete. Anyone with project management responsibility will find this book indispensable. A real gem. 415 pp. 2004.
The Responsibility Virus: How Control Freaks, Mother Hens, Shrinking Violets and Yes-Men Can Harness the Power of True Partnership, by Roger L. Martin. BasicBooks (HarperCollins).
Organization are undermined by seemingly heroic leaders and passive followers. The author delves into how such behaviors result in underperformance and defensive routines. Using specific examples and stories, he presents four tools for achieving effective organization: 1. the choice-structuring process, which promotes team work while minimizing the likelihood of any one seizing control over the decision-making process; 2. the frame experiment, an approach for holding productive discussions under stressful conditions; 3. the responsibility ladder, a tool that helps build skills for handling delicate situations; and 4., the redefinition of leadership and followership, helping to overcome dyfunctional behaviors. The book zeros-in on what organizations need in today's business environment. 304 pp. 2002.
Revolutionizing IT: The Art of Using Technology Effectively, by David H. Andrews and Kenneth R. Johnson. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The book offers guidelines to those who make decisions regarding IT projects. The focus is on managing medium-size projects in a dynamic environment. The authors approach demands that organizations: adopt a new way of thinking about IT projects; use new definitions and measurements for success; learn a new pattern of behavior; understand and set practical limitations; carefully assign accountability; place emphasis on the up-front stages of projects; and think differently about schedules. Includes numerous examples. Provides important insights about IT project management. 237 pp. 2002.
Searching for a Corporate Savior: The Irrational Quest for Charismatic CEOs, by Rakesh Khurana. Princeton University Press.
Based on a study of hiring and firing CEOs at over 850 major corporations, the author argues that the prevailing approach to selecting CEOs is geared to finding leaders in a very narrow sense of the term "leadership." The search is narrowed to charismatic leaders who can articulate a vision and inspire people, limiting the pool of candidates, giving each more leverage to negotiate ever higher compensation packages, raising expectations about what they can do, and ultimately leading to many being fired for failing to live up to exaggerated stakeholder expectations. This situation undermines corporate stability, creates an excessive compensation gap, weakens the focus on long-term strategic goals, and has other important consequences. A remarkably insightful book. 295 pp. 2002.
The Serving Leader: 5 Powerful Actions That Will Transform Your Team, Your Business, and Your Community, by Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
A series of personal accounts are used to explain an approach that controls the leader's self-interests and focuses on serving others. 144 pp. 2003.
The Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome: How Good Managers Cause Great People to Fail, by Jean-Francois Manzoni and Jean-Louis Barsoux. Harvard Business School Press.
This is book about how not to, and how to, manage. Focusing on people who are perceived to be weak performers, but are not or have the ability to do well, the authors have found an array of behaviors in response to perceived conditions, such as lack of motivation, that results in failure. Through extensive research, they find that once people are miscast as weaker performers, they tend to live down to that image regardless of their capabilities. The research shows that when bosses get it into their heads that certain people have limited potential, they behave accordingly, and will often end up causing the subordinates to deliver in a limited way. The syndrome also involves the employee, who tends to join in, so that the two are setting each other up to fail. This syndrome is complex and explored in great detail. The authors devote several chapters to showing how to overcome the syndrome, or avoid it entirely. A fascinating, insightful, and informative research-based work. 320 pp. 2002.
Shepherd Leadership: Wisdom for Leaders From Psalm 23, by Blaine McCormick and David Davenport. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.
This book offers a view of leadership that goes beyond the servant leadership concept (On Becoming a Servant Leader by Robert K. Greenleaf. '96), using Psalm 23 as a guide to develop the shepherd leader. While servant leadership downplays hierarchy and status differences, the shepherd model places the leader at the front of the followers as a role model. The author's goal in writing the book is to make Psalm 23 a regular meditation for faith-centered leaders. The book's insights offer a unique perspective on the leadership role. 150 pp. 2003.
Taking Charge in Your New Leadership Role, by Michael Watkins. Harvard Business School Press.
Offers step-by-step guidance for taking charge in anew leadership role. Part one covers common traps, types of transitional situations, and a model for planning to take charge. Part two focuses on: how to accelerate your learning process; influence key people; align your organization, and manage yourself in a stressful situation. Part three provides a long-term planning process for identifying goals, developing a personal vision, determining how to achieve early wins, and set a basis for long-term success. Part four contains self-assessment instruments. The organization, content, layout, size and quality of paper are all first-rate. Pages are perforated to facilitate group use. This is an excellent self-development resource. 2001.(8/05)
The Techniques of Inner Leadership: Making Inner Leadership Work, by Gilbert W. Fairholm. Quorum Books / Praeger Publishers.
According to the author, inner leadership consists of leading from the middle of the organization to generate the vital energy that drives organizational dynamics. Some key factors in the psycho-dynamics of inner leadership include: mutual, interactive trust; internalized feelings of caring, respect, and enjoyment in working with others; willingness to serve the needs of followers; a quest for problem-finding in contrast to problem solving; and, in general, a building of deep connections with others. These qualities stand in contrast to reliance on the formal power of authority-a hallmark of top leadership. Fairholm goes into 21 techniques of inner leadership, devoting a chapter to each. This book is rich with insights and ideas. Chapters end with discussion issues and questions, and developmental activities. Fairholm treats his subject matter with attention to in-depth details and nuances. 308 pp. 2003.
Think Big, Act Small: How America's Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-up Spirit Alive, by Jason Jennings. PortfolioÐPenguin Group.
The author studied nine best performing companies and generated lessons from them about their keys to success. He identified that each thinks big but acts small. Specifically, each exhibits most of ten building blocks that account for long-term successÑall of which are explored. Every chapter tells an informative story of one company, gives insights into its thinking and values, spotlights how a building block distinguishes it, and offers key guidelines on how the building block is applied. A wrap-up chapter summarizes the building blocks and provides a method for assessing any organization. This book is packed with solid insights based on sound research. Very highly recommended. 287 pp. 2005.
Tools for Team Leadership: Delivering the X-Factor in Team eXcellence, by Gregory E. Huszczo. Davies-Black Publishing.
The author builds upon "Tools for Team Excellence," his previous work, this time focusing on leadership. He provides an advanced set of approaches and techniques for successful team leadership. This self-study book explores the central qualities of leadership in a team environment. It includes a toolbox for analyzing a team and methods to help a team help lead and build itself. The book is loaded with key points, extremely well written and organized, and offers many examples, 36 exercises, 21 highlighting tables, chapter summaries, and after-chapter reviews. A book that sparkles with substance. 300 pp. 2004.
Trust Me: Developing a Leadership Style People Will Follow, by Wayne Hastings and Ron Potter. Waterbook Press.
Presents a style of leadership based on 8 values: humility; development; commitment; focus; compassion; integrity; peacemaking; and endurance. The authors explore how these spiritual values are keys to building trust with people and becoming a successful leader, as well as building a successful career. Given the abundance of bad leadership in business, politics, and other spheres, the spiritual qualities this book links with effective leadership deserve serious consideration.. 242 pp. 2004.
The Trusted Leader: Bring Out the Best in Your People and Your Company, by Robert Galford and Anne Seibold Drapeau. The Free Press.
The book is about how trust is developed, and can be lost, at the personal and organizational levels. The major assertions of the trusted leader are: 1) trust takes many forms, 2) trust shows itself as the sum total of many interpersonal interactions, 3) every organizational juncture (meetings, interactions, key events) provides opportunities for building trusted leadership, 4) while trust can be destroyed faster than it is built, the trust-building process builds a company's 'trust bank,' 5) a person's ability to build trust with others outside the organization correlates with their ability to build and maintain it internally, and 6) becoming a trusted leader requires both message and medium, and trust is a combination of what you do and who you are (skills and competencies). These themes are explored in depth, with case studies and exercises. This thoughtfully-written book delivers a wealth of insights about a quality of leadership and organization that needs to take center stage. Strongly recommended. 271 pp. 2003.
The 21st Century Supervisor: Nine Essential Skills for Frontline Leaders, by Brad Humphrey and Jeff Stokes. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
This supervisory training book is designed for self-instruction and development. It focuses on the following skills: communication; team-building; coaching; business analysis; continuous improvement; computer; project management; writing; and resource management. Provides specific guidelines and key points for learning. Short cases offer clear illustrations. Questions and exercises are offered at the close of each chapter. Style and language are easily accessible. A 4-page trainer's guide is also available. Recommended. 332 pp. 2000.
Unnatural Leadership: Going Against Intuition and Experience to Develop Ten New Leadership Instincts, by David L. Dotlich and Peter C. Cairo. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
The authors argue that what is effective today are behaviors and attitudes that are not always described in leadership models or recommended. These maverick approaches expand the options of a natural leadership style when demanded by the situation. The book briefly describes five natural leadership rules, which are found dysfunctional in today's business world. A chapters is devoted to each of the ten new leadership instincts which are: refuse to be a prisoner of experience; expose your vulnerabilities; acknowledge your shadow side (weaknesses and dysfunctional behaviors); develop a right-versus-right decision-making mindset (accept there is no one right solution); create teams that create discomfort; trust others before they earn it; coach and teach rather than lead and inspire; connect instead of create; give up some control; and challenge the conventional wisdom. Chapters end with self-scoring tests, questions for thought, and steps to take. Insights are refreshing and thought-provoking. 268 pp. 2002.
Wharton on Making Decisions, by Stephen J. Hoch, Howard C. Kunreuther and Robert E. Gunther, Editors, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This is a collection of 17 essays on methods of analyzing alternative options and making choices, drawn from research into the psychological, interactive, and temporal aspects of decision-making. The aim of the book is to strengthen decision-making skills and apply the latest methods of analysis and reasoning. These essays explore the role of personal emotion and reasoning in managerial decision-making; discuss ways to combine computer models with personal intuition; and examine new techniques for making decisions. The authors analyze the impact of strategic learning, personal reputation, and deception in negotiated decisions. They probe the impact of decision-making on society, examining the impact of values on decisions, the phenomenon of information cascades, and how to deal with low probability/high consequence events. This work is rich in ideas and insights. 339 pp. 2001.
What Management Is: How It Works and Why It's Everyone's Business, by Joan Magretta and Nan Stone, The Free Press.
This book explores the subject of management in a comprehensive perspective, covering both theory and practice. The book is divided into two parts covering 1) the concepts of strategy and organization and 2) the disciplines that enable management to turn plans into performance. It explores the power of purpose and hard numbers, as well as the challenges of uncertainty, focus, and managing people. 244 pp. 2002.
What the Best CEOs Know: 7 Exceptional Leaders and Their Lessons for Transforming Any Business, by Jeffrey A. Krames, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
The author has examined the traits of seven outstanding CEOs to create an easy-to-follow road map to show managers how to apply these qualities. Part one identifies the traits and accomplishments of these leaders. Part two consists of seven chapters devoted to the CEOs and their signature strategies and provides lessons and a brief self-assessment exercise. Informative, well organized, and excellent for leadership self-development. 250 pp. 2003.
When Opposites Dance: Balancing the Manager and Leader Within, by Roy G. Williams and Terrence E. Deal, Davies-Black Publishing.
Bringing together the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Terrance Deal and Lee Bolman's Cognitive Frames, the book explores styles of managing and leading. It identifies four natural styles and highlights the awareness needed by leaders to achieve balance in their behavior and in forging a better workplace. The treatment of the management-leadership profiles (rationalist, humorist, politicist and culturist) is witty and highly effective due to the use of well know people as examples, such as Hillary Clinton and Richard Nixon. Recommended. 216 pp. 2003.
Why Great Leaders Don't Take Yes for an Answer: Managing for Conflict and Consensus, by Michael A. Roberto. Wharton School Publishing.
Based on extensive research, and a very in-depth study of two cases, the author puts forth two key arguments regarding how leaders can enhance the quality of their decision-making processes: (1) leaders must cultivate constructive conflict so as to enhance the level of critical and divergent thinking, which simultaneously building consensus to facilitate the efficient and timely implementation of choices they make; (2) effective leaders must spend time deciding how to decide. A recurring theme is that leaders must strive for a delicate balance of assertiveness and restraint; the critical question is not whether, but how they ought to exert their influence and control over the decision-making process.The book offers practical guidance for leaders to improve the way they make complex, high-stakes choices. The work is rich with content and insights. Highly recommended. 280 pp. 2005.
Working at Warp Speed: The New Rules for Project Success in a Sped-up World, by Barry Flicker. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
The secret of project management success is making and keeping commitments. Using a story about people confronting daily issues, the author shows how shifting focus from blaming others to examining one's own behaviors and assumptions is key to overcoming obstacles. The book presents four laws for breaking through typical complaints to reach potential breakthrough experiences. Recommended. 128 pp. 2002.